1.2 Sitemap 1. Introduction1.1 About1.2 Sitemap2. History2.1 Genesis in Hammersmith – 1905 to 19072.2 Early years in Ditchling – 1907- 19192.3 Foundation – 1920-19212.4 Growth and then the first crisis – 1921-19242.5 Consolidation, the second crisis, re-consolidation – 1926-19452.6 Post war and closure – 1946-19882.7 Afterlife: 1989 to date3. People3.1 Guild Members3.1.1 Eric Gill3.1.2 Hilary Pepler3.1.3 Desmond Chute3.1.4 Joseph Cribb3.1.5 George Maxwell3.1.6 Valentine KilBride3.1.7 Philip Hagreen3.1.8 Dunstan Pruden3.1.9 Edgar Holloway3.1.10 Kenneth Eager3.1.11 Jenny KilBride3.1.12 Ewan Clayton3.2 Postulents3.2.1 David Jones3.2.2 Father Brocard Sewell3.3 Non-guild members3.3.1 Edward Johnston3.3.2 Captain Herbert Shove4. Ideas4.3 Distributism4.2 Catholicism4.3 Arts and Crafts4.4 Vague links to Fascism5. Guild life5.1 Buildings5.1.1 Hopkins Crank5.1.2 Guild workshops5.1.3 Spoil Bank5.1.4 Woodbarton Cottage5.1.5 Woodbarton5.1.6 Fragbarrow Farm5.1.7 The Chapel5.1.8 St Rose and St Catherine5.1.9 Ferrers5.1.10 St Anthony’s5.2 Organisation6. The workshops7. Miscellany7.1 Media7.1.1 Film – Looking for Mr Gill – about Eric Gill, Ditchling and the Guild7.1.2 Culture Show feature about The Guild7.1.3 Interview with Jenny KilBride7.1.4 Cine film from early days of the Guild7.2. Sundry articles7.2.1 The Dominicans7.2.2 Capel y ffin7.2.3 The Game7.2.4 Engraving7.2.5 Guild Priests7.3 Further reading