1.1 About


This web-site represents a personal view based on my research. My own involvement with the Guild arises from family background – George Maxwell was my Great Uncle. I visited the Guild only once – around 1970 when my father took me to visit my Aunt Cissie (Maxwell’s widow) and my cousin, John Maxwell. At the age of fourteen, I had little idea what to make of it, but the experience stayed with me. In recent years I have read much about the Guild and taken every opportunity to discuss it with other relatives who, like myself, made fleeting visits.

I am conscious that not very much has been written about the Guild in relation to its significance. Furthermore, much of that which has been written has concentrated on the contribution of Eric Gill. My view is that there is a lot more to be said about the subject, and these pages are intended to be a small step on the way. If anyone reading this material has any comments or information, I would be very pleased to hear from them. I can be contacted at jp@guildjosephdominic.org.uk .

This site is still a work in progress. There are several areas which I wish to expand including the following:

  • More proofreading, improve links and references
  • Expand history pages, they are rather thin in places
  • Articles on Guild disputes, Guild finances
  • Create individual pages about the six workshops and their achievements.

John Price

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